Guide to Church Video Wall

In modern worship environment, visual technology has become one of the most powerful and reliable sources to engage congregation. Now a day many houses of worship is diverted to video walls to convey message, news worship, funny church sign sayings and more.

A led church stage display is equally effective to set the right ambiance during church events. Now let’s take a brief look about video wall and why church use video wall? How utilize a led video wall for your church?

1. What Is a Church Video Wall?

Video wall is a large display consisting of more than one video screen, fixed together to make a large logical church stage panel.

A video wall can be formed by many led display panels or led wall tiles, can be operate using the video controllers. A controller consists of video processor and software control (novastar, colorlight or linsn).

As churches want to grow, led video wall become the solution to spread their message internally and externally. Whether you’re in need of a church led wall to display sermons points, roadside digital led sign to display announcements to the passing by, or song lyrics.

LED displays are an affordable, effective way for church to communicate. In the pandemic of COVID-19 with social distancing and people being online as church attendees, it has required significant increase in the media quality.

2. The Origin of Church LED Video Wall:

As time marches on, churches are no longer just a place for believers to gather and pray but have also become the preferred location for more activities. Parishioners come to church for daily prayers, weekend Mass liturgies, holiday celebrations and other church liturgies.

Especially on weekends, there are many other group activities such as choir practice, catechism classes for non-parishioners, youth activities, etc. It can even be the place where couples choose to get married; the streets are rarely seen and the liveliest place at this time is the church. The poor and the rich alike move around the church and pray. Going to church is not only going to worship, but also a part of recreational life.

Over the past twenty years, church congregations have engaged in worship by adding visual elements during services. Eyes that were once focused on hymns are now looking up more at what is displayed on the walls, and many churches have decided to take it a step further and install church wall signs in their sanctuaries. This growing popularity of video walls can upgrade their space by enabling church leaders to share customized videos, images, and text (such as worship lyrics or scripture), live feeds, and other content such as messages and news.

During services, churchgoers actively participate in worship through additional visual features. Modern, popular led video displays even allow well-lit churches to utilize multimedia services to inform and engage their congregations. LED screen for church look good under ambient lighting, have vibrant colors and excellent viewing angles, making them ideal for church programs and sermons.

3. Why Do Churches Install LED Video Walls?

  • 1). LED Church Displays Create a Concert or Wedding Setting

Many chapel services include modern elements, especially live music. In addition to sharing words for attendees to sing along, a brighter, more vibrant led video production experience brings music into the life of the church, like a live musical sing-along.

The big screen tv for church can perfectly deliver video images to everyone in the audience, rendering the atmosphere. It provides believers with more convenient prayer information for the gathering and adds a sense of solemnity and piety to the festival and creates a romantic and warm atmosphere for church weddings.

  • 2). LED Wall Helps to Enhance Publicity Defect

Renovations can be expensive, and many elements of the chapel, such as the pews, altar, and high ceilings, are traditional. Installing a led video pallet wall church stage can immediately modernize your presentation for better visual impact.

Visual communication is a very powerful tool to further communicate your message. You can share uplifting moments with people around the world by broadcasting your services. A fully engaging global mindfulness experience that relies on the right technology can truly transform traditional preaching into an all-encompassing experience.

LED church display monitors in a fully engaging way are built with outstanding visuals. Using technology that looks at content readability in terms of contrast and color, leaders can deliver a perfect viewing experience and clear, smooth visuals on the screen without causing any distractions. Thanks to our reliable led display devices and simple integrated workflow gives you the opportunity to focus on your loyal customers without having to worry about the technical aspects of the venue.

  • 3). LED Walls Extend the Space to Give the Sanctuary a New Look

Churches often interact with their faithful and attract new members with a powerful message that unites like-minded people. Exceptional moments and interactions make today more unique than ever. Create inspiring experiences that can be shared with devotees locally and from afar; more devotees coming together to sing praises requires a larger space with led worship screens that can showcase the pilgrimage of distant devotees.

While you can customize led church stage design panels for any space, larger spaces are perfect for these brighter, scalable solutions. As your church grows, you can easily expand the led wall or remove it to relocate to your new space. We offer a complete range of church led screen expansion solutions for easy future expansion of your big screen for church.

  • 4). Multiple Display Sources

LED video wall processors can capture signals from different devices such as cell phones, cameras, computers, cable boxes, and more. All these funniest church signs content sources can be accessed on one platform and displayed together on the church’s display board, expressing the full range of information resources to the congregation.

4. Why Choose LED Over LCD or Projection?

The use of video in churches and houses of worship has come a long way. Once seen as something that didn’t belong in a church, church video wall displays are now commonplace and are understood to help communicate effectively.

If you are looking for a simple IMAG or a more advanced visual aid for your worship experience, video can provide you with an amazing solution for any application. LED video wall technology is by far the best choice when you look at the entire range of solutions for any technology type.

The vibrant and engaging benefits of led video walls are applicable to a variety of environments. Many churches were early adopters of video technology, integrating large projections and lcd screens into their sanctuaries. Unfortunately, over time, projection technology has become obsolete. When comparing led walls to other display options, you will want to look at the following issues we address here.

  • 1). Brightness and Grayscale

Brightness is critical when presenting video to a large audience, such as a church auditorium setting. Your video wall needs to be bright enough to accommodate the changing ambient room brightness variations throughout the service.

Projection screen brightness depends heavily on the brightness of the projector. Traditional projectors often lack the brightness needed for easy reading and engagement, and projection screens are only suitable for churches with limited lighting, which means that the light level from outside must be controlled for optimal viewing quality.

LED video walls can output images with significantly higher quality, and the brightness of led video walls is typically suitable for any lighting environment throughout the service, including worship and sermon times. The standard minimum brightness of our indoor led screens is sufficient. LED displays have a brightness adjustment feature that makes it easy to set the brightness to a setting that fits the space.

LED wall brightness can range from 600 to 1000 nits. Because of this, led walls do not require a dark room and work well in rooms with ambient lighting conditions. If the place of worship has ambient light at certain times of the day, then led walls may be a better solution than lcd or projection technology.

The contrast of leds can be improved by increasing the black level of the background or by increasing the brightness of the whites. Since leds are brighter than projection, white is always brighter. the church screens for sale itself of a led wall is black (using black leds), while projection has a white background. A typical fine pitch led wall can have a contrast ratio of 6000:1, while a projection has a contrast ratio of 2000:1.

The key number in low brightness conditions is grayscale. LED video walls can handle 16-bit color depth processing and maintain high grayscale levels without compromising image quality, even in low brightness conditions. However, projected images at low brightness can appear blurry or faded when the lamp is over-burned. With proper visibility and image quality, the congregation can better read lyrics, scriptures, sermon points, enjoy images and watch live broadcasts through the church display signs.

  • 2). Video Wall Resolution

What kind of solution should we get? This is one of the biggest questions when planning a video wall project in a church. The next biggest question: Can we go to 4K?

The answer to projection is that you should determine the resolution you need based on the distance of the screen from the nearest viewer. In most cases, 1080 or HD will suffice. If you are looking for more of a square format for your church screen, you can use XGA resolution and save money.

In the case of led video displays for churches, you will still need to answer the distance to the viewer question, but in most cases the resolution will be sufficient and most of our led screens are capable of HD+ quality. Pixel Pitch is a completely different conversation and very important but be prepared to answer the distance to the viewer question when you request a video wall consultation.

  • 3). Cost Advantages

The overall cost of a led wall is somewhat lower, and while the upfront cost is only 15-20% higher than a projection system, cheap led video wall projectors don’t last very long, and when one fails, the cost per replacement can add up to thousands of dollars. Other components, such as clogged cooling channels, broken fans and overheated components can cause lenses or parts to melt, and the cost of repair is usually higher than the original price of the entire projection unit.

How do leds compare to lcds? For video walls, the church led screen price dividing line is 110″: For a 110″ video wall, the led panel wall price is comparable to a lcd display. For any video wall larger than 180 inches, led video walls are priced better than any other static display technology. (Check the difference about LCD vs LED)

For new projects or upgrading your church’s existing video wall, it is important to consider size, brightness, resolution, and cost vs. coverage.

The cost of the projection depends on the overall size of the screen and the brightness required. Resolution options vary and will significantly affect cost. One of the main benefits of projection for use with a church video wall is the ability to have scaling capabilities and to reduce or increase the screen size. You will need to consider the cost of the projector, stand and screen.

Church led wall cost is based on two factors, display size and pixel pitch. Brightness should not be an issue with leds as there is a big difference between it and projection. Determining the display size should be easy and the pixel spacing will be determined by the distance from the screen to the viewer and where the video wall is placed. Contact us for a free church video wall consultation.

  • 4). Less Consumption

From a total system lifecycle cost perspective, led walls outperform projectors and lcd displays and are a wise investment in your congregation’s capital contribution.

LED video walls also consume 40-50% less energy than projectors. When choosing a projection system, you are usually concerned about the upfront cost, but many churches spend thousands each month on electricity. The significant savings of a led wall compared to a projector (through electricity billing) will go right back into the congregation’s budget. Therefore, the break-even point for led display over-projection is only one to two years away.

  • 5). Display Type Flexibility

Every display type has its advantages and disadvantages, it’s just the nature of the technology. While there seem to be 3 popular display technologies in church facilities.

A. LED/LCD flat panel displays standard size, some customization.

B. Projection technology: flexible scaling and masking options limited to projection distance, foreground objects, and ambient brightness based on pixel usage.

C. LED video wall: limited only by panel or cabinet size (typically 6.3″ x 6.3″, 9.8″ x 9.8″, 20″ x 20″ etc. (For more information about led video wall components), you can define your size infinitely, with good scalability.

  • 6). Longer Service Life

Projectors typically have a lifespan of three to five years and require ongoing maintenance throughout their lifespan. The projector also has a single passive lighting source, which is a lamp that provides the entire projection brightness.

LED walls last two to three times longer than projector setups. In addition, when using led video walls, they have a lifetime of 100,000 hours, which equates to approximately 11.5 years. LEDs have millions of active lights emitting sources that burn uniformly at a steady rate, which also contributes to their longer lifetime.

  • 7). Church Video Wall Maintenance

For any technology you deploy in a church, maintenance is a key factor to consider, including spare parts and service life based on required performance over time.

Projection video wall displays have a lifespan of 4,000 to 20,000 hours, depending on the conventional or laser light source technology inside. Conventional bulbs will dim over time and should be considered for half-life. Laser engines last five times as long, and the savings far outweigh the investment. Projector maintenance includes filter cleaning and lamp replacement.

LED walls are less expensive to maintain than projectors of similar size and quality, and projector components such as bulbs and light engines need to be replaced every few years, which can be expensive. For example, a new projector lamp can cost up to $4,500, but led video walls are modular and maintenance costs can replace led display panels at a much lower cost, for example our individual led unit church led panels(Common model P2.5, P2.604, P2.98 or P3.91) typically cost $25-$45.

  • 8). Visual Display Noise

Technology generates heat and needs to dissipate heat for the technology to operate properly. For example, the projector’s cooling fans are very loud because the lamps operate in the 250-to-400-degree range. To keep these lamps, cool and prevent shutdown, the internal fan must constantly move air at a high volume.

LED panels for stage are not immune to heat, but they are quiet compared to side-by-side projection technology, and the cooling fans are hard to hear if you try. In most cases, the projector must be outside the auditorium above the congregation’s head, which can make it difficult to focus on the message.

  • 9). Simple Installation

The church led video wall products we provide are very light and thin. They can be installed and maintained before the wall and can even be installed completely on the wall. There is no need to install and maintain the channel. Everything is done from the front, which can save more than 90% of the installation space.

At the same time, opposite sex can also be spliced, right angles can be spliced, hoisted, and different creative shapes can be realized; there is also a module automatic correction function. These superior performances are indeed the first choice for large video screens for churches.

5. Outdoor Electronic Church Signs:

For churches and religious organizations, outdoor church funniest signs with animated text, images or videos may be what you need (witty church signs or silly church signs).

  • 1). What Are the Benefits of LED Signs for Churches?

The specific design and style of the church building tells everyone it’s a church, but you need to tell them what exciting events and programs are going on inside. An eye-catching looking electronic modern church signs with eye-catching images and videos, scrolling text and animations can grab people’s attention; and you can easily update it weekly with new event newsletter headlines, church outside signs provide you with a unique opportunity to communicate effectively with the local community.

  • 2). Where to Install LED Church Signs?

If your church is in a busy area with lots of cars or passersby, then you are a good candidate to take advantage of lighted outdoor church signs. Churches located in busy residential areas are the best church signs.

What do you want to say to your audience? Are the people who look at your church welcome signs your target audience? Do you have any informative new messages for the people who typically view your signs? The answer to this question can help you determine how useful the led sign of church will be to the church you belong to.

  • 3). What Is the Cost of An Outdoor Church LED Sign?

LED church signs for sale are more affordable than ever, and you can find a wide range of products on the market to cover all price budgets. The price of the right led for a church depends on many factors. Overall size, text only information or full graphic display, standard or high resolution, and the construction of the sign significantly change the price of led church marquee signs.

To choose the best led church sign or new year church signs, many different factors should be considered. The main consideration is your audience. If your church is in a small residential area and everyone knows you, then a basic scrolling message board will suffice.

If you are in a busy area with heavy traffic, a graphic led display with vivid images and video is more capable of attracting the attention of a larger audience, and the size and resolution of the digital church sign is also a factor to be considered.

6. Factors to Consider When Buying Church Video Wall:

 •  1). Size of screen: led video wall for church is available in different sizes and you can also customize the size regarding your requirements. For example, the size of digital screens for churches should be comparatively large to the coffee shop display.

 •  2). Location: if you want to welcome the visitors, big screen monitors for churches should be visible to every person as they enter your facility. If its purpose is to divert traffic, make sure the massive will be able to see the spot where you install the led church billboards.

 •  3). Installation: plan to install the flat screen tv for churches in such a way that you can hide all the power and networks cables and adopters.

 •  4). Surrounding areas: examine the surrounding areas where you are going to install monitors for church sanctuary should be safe and clearly visible from all location and spots.

 •  5). Content: initially you may want to display the images and videos, but later you can also display the text and all other types of data.

 •  6). Future: install led church stage tv in such a way that you can utilize it for several years.

7. Church LED Video Wall Installation Process:

 •  1). Decide where you want to install the led video wall. Although there are various installation methods, hanging and wall-mounted led walls are common.

 •  2). After setting the location, place the support bars to the desired height and add the hanging beams. Attach the led wall panels one by one to these suspension beams and lock them together.

 •  3). Once the suspension beams are all in place, you will begin hanging the first panel. Continue to install the panels side by side and then move up and continue with one panel.

 •  4). Once the church led panels are all in place, the power supply should have been connected to the led video wall location, connected to the first panel on the diagram and jumpered in order.

 •  5). The next step is to connect the signal wires to the panels, the led video wall processor is usually located in the video booth and sends signals over CAT5. Each panel is connected.

 •  6). After installing all the church panels, connecting the power cables, and connecting the video signal cables, it is now time to calibrate and prepare for testing.

8. How to Plan the Solution?

  • 1). Budget

We will discuss your project requirements, timeline, and budget. We can advise on the requirements and provide insight on how best to implement them, including what kind of church hall led video wall package technology you need, where you want the affordable outdoor church signs to be located, what it will be used for, and options for achieving that goal.

  • 2). Live Demonstration

It’s not just big words and flashy pictures: we can arrange private viewings of various corporate digital wall solutions at our partner manufacturer showrooms and guide you through the installation of led billboards and video walls on site, where you can see the actual results, you can get church display ideas about creative church signs. You can get support through our partners, and even more.

  • 3). Labor Sourcing

We will handle all the project details for you, including managing labor resources and ensuring that deadlines are met. We will also provide ongoing support and preventive maintenance for your church led walls and indoor or outdoor led display panels long after your system has been installed.

9. Value-added Content Services:

Story creates worship backdrops, funny pictures of church signs, Christmas church signs and other worship media resources for churches, with lots of 4K and triple-wide content that is perfect for led video walls. It is one of the few stock media sites that is breaking the mold and pushing the status quo in the church media world. story Loop continues to enhance live events and video projects far beyond imagination.

Story Loop has a long term mutually beneficial partnership with LEDSINO and when you install a new led wall, we can offer you a coupon code that will save you 50% off your subscription for an indefinite period, I think you will be excited about such a bonus offer, it will be an easy way to find access to new screen content for your new funny church signs 2020 and save your budget.

10. Conclusion:

For all the above discussion, we know that engaging and motivating your members and guests is critical to your service, and when you are not satisfied with traditional projection or static content display resources, contact us and we will strive to be good stewards of your church project using a custom and personalized approach to design, installation and service that aligns the led video wall solution with your church’s budget, message, and vision.


As a professional LED Display Manufacturer, LEDSINO provides reliable products, comprehensive services and creative solutions.Since establishment, our team has been continuously innovating. Our Rental LED Display,LED Poster, Stage LED Screen, Flexible LED Display,Transparent LED Display, Church LED Wall, Concert LED Screen, LED Drape Screen, Nationstar LED Screen, LED Display Ball, Stadium LED Screens have the most advanced technology and forward-looking design in the present market.

For more information about LEDSINO, please follow us on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin!

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