Choosing The Right Outdoor LED Display

Choosing the Right Outdoor LED Display

Advertisements have now been streamlined as we move forward with technology. We now consume advertisements through digital media like our phones, tablets, or computer screens; because of that, LED displays have played a vital role in our day-to-day lives.

You can now create and display advertisements without manual labor and show your vision in extra high definition from afar, even at night. That’s right! We are talking about the vibrant, impactful outdoor LED display.

Are you looking for high-quality LED display but are unsure of where to begin with? Fret not! Today we will discuss 8 important factors that you must consider getting your hands on the best outdoor LED display.

1. What is an Outdoor LED Display?

What is an LED? Light-emitting diodes or LEDs are semiconductors that create light when electricity passes through them. If you are unfamiliar with LED displays, they are used in a large majority of devices that we use. They are on our screens, smartphones, and even in traffic signals.

An outdoor LED display is the digital way to advertise your store, promote your products or offer shared advertising for other businesses. Outdoor LEDs have now replaced most billboards and signboards that were costly and required a large amount of manual labor and maintenance.

You can now display still images or animated images –not to mention videos with ease, all just by a click of a button. With outdoor LEDs, it has never been easier to advertise in high definition, plus with its fantastic brightness, your ads will still immerse people regardless of the time of the day.

1. What is an Outdoor LED Display?

2. Top 8 Considerations When Selecting an Outdoor LED Display Board

  • Environment and Location

The environment where you display your outdoor LED plays a significant role in its longevity. You must factor in every environmental hazard or weather condition that comes with the location where you plan to erect your display board.

But nothing to worry about. Start by selecting the location and research its environment in every little detail, from its weather conditions like rain, snow, or heat waves to what kind of environmental hazards you can expect. When buying the LED display consider all mentioned above, to make an inform decision of getting the right thermal management solutions that will keep your LED display safe from harsh environments. Plus, the enclosure design will help in resisting water, dust, and humidity damage.

Another factor to remember is where you are displaying your outdoor led display board. If it’s on a highway, a large display would be ideal for an easily readable message, even if they are speeding through. Your location will influence the size, height, aspect ratio, and resolution of your billboard.

  • Brightness and visibility (Nits)

Brightness factors are important when displaying advertisements, in both day and night cycles. It simply ensures that ongoing passersby can see the displayed content without any issues in visibility. LED panels with high contrast and high brightness will be suited best when it comes to direct sunlight, and this ensures the content is visible even in sunlight. This does not apply to direct sunlight.

Nits comes from a Latin verb that means to shine and is commonly used to measure the brightness of the displayed screen. You need to choose according to your environment. In general, outdoor screens use 3500 to 5000 nits, and depending on the environment and location, it can go up to 4500 to 8000 nits. Choose the right number of nits according to your environment. Also, keep in mind that if your nits are less than 2000, you can use shaders to try and display your advertisements.

  • Aspect Ratio and Resolution Size

When designing the billboard, the aspect ratio should be chosen at 4:3 or the nearest to this ratio. The ideal ratio is 16:9 for a better viewing experience.

Resolution should be selected based on your requirements and usage. Don’t misunderstand that the higher the resolution, the better it will look. Keep in mind that a higher resolution means more LEDs, which also increases the cost and requires more maintenance if the need arises.

  • Content Management

An advertisement billboard requires content, and how you manage that content comes onto you.
Traditionally, replacing an advertisement requires replacing the old advertisement with a new one, manual labor will be needed, not to mention the cost and time consumption.

You can update the content on your large outdoor LED displays at any time; all you need is to use your computer and connect it to your billboard, and with just a simple press of a button, you can change your displayed content without the need for manual labor and save time.

2. Top 8 Considerations When Selecting an Outdoor LED Display Board
  • Quality and Durability

A good outdoor LED displays advertisements 24/7, which requires the optimal temperature to function, and with the help of an HVAC system, you can use your LED display 24/7 without the worry of overheating. HVAC helps in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, which in return keeps your LED panels durable and gives the best quality visuals.

  • Energy efficiency

Outdoor LEDs are not only cost-effective, but also environmentally friendly energy-saving emission reductions are implemented as a standard to keep the environment safe and cost less energy.

  • Installation and Maintenance Costs

When installing LED displays, always keep in mind the installation conditions; outdoor display screens use industrial-grade integrated circuit chips with a temperature range of -40 and 80oC. This temperature range is ideal for the outdoor digital display screen to perform the best at low temperatures. Wind resistance, seismic, bearing, and other major factors should also be considered when installing an LED display.

LED displays require routine maintenance and service to keep your sign up and running.

When purchasing, make sure to inquire about how much maintenance it requires and how you will service it.

What kind of preventative maintenance will help your sign last longer? Who do you call if something goes wrong? The more you know about the general upkeep of your sign, the easier it will be to take care of your display panel as time goes on.

  • Permits and Regulations

Where you put your outdoor LED display will require you to get permission from laws or other ordinances that regulate outdoor advertisements.

3. The Crucial Role of Resolution in Large Outdoor LED Displays

3. The Crucial Role of Resolution in Large Outdoor LED Displays

Resolution is crucial for any digital billboard that is advertising, you must factor in your location and how it affects your sign. As mentioned before, more resolution isn’t always the best choice. You must consider the coast as well. The aspect ratio also plays a crucial role when it comes to resolution; keep that in mind when choosing your resolution, as it will affect how well people can see your LED display.

What affects an Outdoor LED’s display Brightness?

Environmental hazards and weather conditions will affect your LED display brightness with dirt and rain sticking on the display, but the most important thing to look out for is the sunlight. Direct sunlight will affect your LEDs, so you can use shaders to prevent direct sunlight.

4. ES-1000-Series is The Best Solution for Your Outdoor Advertisements

ES1000 series is the latest and best product when it comes to outdoor advertisements. Its standard size, 500×250/1000*1000mm, gives the best resolution, and with its energy-saving design, it’s also cost effective. This LED display Can Operate at -20°C to 60°C, and it comes with a three-year warranty with 5% spare parts.

Its special module is designed to enable convenient dual maintenance, which allows even a person to replace its module in just 5 seconds, saving installation and maintenance costs. The led panel weighs only 21.5 kg (47.3 lbs), which is half the weight of a typical outdoor iron cabinet, making it easy for transportation, installation, assembly, and disassembly.

Your state or local governments might have rules and regulations for height limits, display brightness, and other factors of your digital sign board. If you’re installing an outdoor display board that is effective and compliant, you will have to factor in local laws and regulations.

Energy Saving ES1000-Series Outdoor LED Display

Standard Modules Front/Rear Service

Standard Size: 500×250/1000*1000mm

Display Can Operate at -20°C to 60°C

With 3 Years Warranty and 5% Spare Parts

RX-Series Rental LED Display 4-3

Front Convenient Maintenance

Hard Connection, No Need Cables

Can Removable Back Power Supply Box

With 3 Years Warranty and 5% Spare Parts

5. Bottom Line

Modern advancement in advertisement has changed in both how we advertise and how we consume that advertisement. Now, with LED display billboards we can create amazing advertisements not just in still images but in animated and video forms. However, you do have to keep in mind that even if digital billboards are cost-effective and save manual labor, you should keep in mind that it’s not easy to get an LED billboard.

You need to make sure you understand the right environment and location is being mentioned to the seller so that they can give you the correct recommendations for your purchase. You will need to get permission from your local law to display your billboard and mention the height and brightness so that you don’t cause any trouble.

LED displays are environmentally friendly, and to keep them hazard-free from any unwanted environmental hazards make sure to use an HVAC system to keep your signboard safe and make your money worth with its longevity. For more information visit LEDSINO.



Building D, Hongfa Science Park,
2035 Songbai Road, Shiyan, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.


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